issue of Health care is not only about billing and giving large sums of money into hospital systems its about the ability for those from within to give good health care, and also remember the word CARE within Health!
But it seems the world is more considered about getting the money and it’s a corporation so the Corporation comes before being humane and in my case here is what happened to me and I am a radio talk show host not going in as a host of a program but just a patient and not under my name but under my insurance name which is from my previous marriage.
All that matters is that everyone should receive the same care and health care should not relate to your insurance provider and if they pay the bill.
For one I am a product of the health care system gone bad, I was first told I had condition Heart Failure in the yr 2004 within another issue of failure to diagnose and years later after getting treatment for this condition with medication that had sulfur within (I have reactions to sulfur which I explained to them each time I came in for workup) but again I was given it anyway, I began to swell up like a balloon I would pass out in my car not knowing what was going on and once I found out no one did anything to help me even now yes I called attorneys and I was told basically I was still alive so I had no claim to sue. I went to state Hospital boards and it was like they were working within the Hospitals to protect their interest I got nowhere!
From over 5 yrs of medical mistreatment and without my knowledge I was surviving from massive swelling, infections etc now by condition has rendered me disabled and I can get no help for this either because the local government agencies discriminate as well and I will be soon without housing because of this they feel it’s a game and they can care less. (Hinsdale Hospital was the first one of these hospitals which caused my alleged congestive heart failure now I when into St Alexian Bros and let’s not leave out Central DuPage Hospital who seems to have something against me and just moves me out faster than any other in the area without any treatment)
So what does health care depends on! Well it seems your Insurance, who you are and the money you have in your pocket! Yes I filed complaints and still have not getting word back from the Human Rights Commission the mistreatment This is what really going on and its crazy. We are told that the Hospitals and doctors are not getting paid for their valued work and yes there are indeed good doctors and I had a few within some of these hospitals in the past, but again it seems that if the insurance is not paying they want to move you out of the door and fast!
The treatment of patients has gone wild within the commercials spelling out great medical care and how we do this and that and the other to safe patient’s life? I have become a victim of various levels of failure to diagnose and almost died from all of the wrong medication and treatment I had received over the years from within these medical agencies in one they removed all records that I had been ever within the hospital which was reported to the state of Illinois medical broad which they also refused to investigation under the previous governing administration. But again we need to give more and more money into what I called a total fail to take care of the sick and also the needy. It’s a game of money and who you are again as with Dick Cheney he has congestive heart failure and yes enters into ER's (ST Alexian Bros in Hoffman Estate Il) and receives real treatment but again who am I just a person a no body who happens to be on the radio and who looks like everyone else, no floor showing just a person going into a hospital and they don't know I am with the media and this is why these things maybe occurring because they are not realizing that there are folks cloaked in human skin going in and watching what is really going on and now reporting it to all. Because who is paying for this health care and now the reform well its all of us! I have congestive heart failure, Asthma, high blood pressure, because of all the heat I felt like I may have had a heat stroke and decided to go into the nearest ER. So I went to a Hospital located in Hoffman Estates Illinois. I was freezing cold, had lots of pain in all over my body, was dizzy, felt numbness in my hands in feet, and was going in and out of a sleep like state because I was Ill once in the ER I asked for a wheel chair and the person gave me one and wheeled me to the TV in the waiting room and then changed the channel to Hannibal a movie I did not feel was a good selection for someone who is in the hospital for a major health issue! Once in the ER my vital signs were taken and my blood pressure was 183/111 I was freezing cold and in pain all over my body in which I asked them for blankets. Then I waited for over 2-3 hours to be seen. Once they took me into the room within the ER for exam I was given a cup to urinate into then the doctor came into the room and look at me and told me I needed to see a doctor and there was nothing they could do for me! then I asked him if I had heat stroke because of all the symptoms I had this is when he stated he did not really feel that I need blood work! This is when I forced that issue then once it came back after about 30 minutes I was told that everything checked out good no problems I could go home. But I was being sick and being discharged, The Doctor then told me he didn't not know what was wrong with me maybe cancer! He then stated that! We do not handle this type of condition in the ER” GO TO THE DOCTOR I then asked what about Heat Stroke? And he told me that it’s not there policy basically to handle those types of conditions and from what he saw I had nothing wrong. In his report he stated that I was sleeping most of the time they came into the room but again I was sleep because I was sick, dizzy and had these conditions. Then I was told I could go that I had fatigue and Malaise I told the Doctor I could not hardly walk in pain had joint pain and my temp was 97 with a blood pressure reading of 213/113 they told me that there was nothing real wrong we don't treat this and basically told me to go home. I got copies of my test and I called the nursing supervisor to explain my health issue and that I was going to another medical facility which I did and arrived less than 30 minutes later on the same day once in the other medical center they took the very same test urine test and blood work and found out that I had a kidney infection and that I had fluid in my legs and still awaiting other test to comeback. Why was the same test so different from St Alexia’s? and why didn't the hospital treat me ( if I went home and did nothing I would have worsen if I waited to go to a doctor and sometimes those appointments can get a week to get the what would have happened to me? . I was also given a medication called cloninidine which is normally used for ADD patients and can this medication can cause your blood pressure to go up! They gave it to me to cover themselves because I was going out of the door with a blood pressure of over 213/113 so this drugs makes you sleepy and lowers your pressure then but increases it within the side effects. I this drug caused me to feel more sleepy and dizzy when I went to my car and began to drive! I found out that this was one of the side effects of this medication I felt that I received a lot of life threatening treatment and there was a failure to diagnosis my health (I had to drive myself) which caused me almost to have a accident. So is this good medical help as those commercials state?
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